EDITO: He vuelto a re-subir los archivos que estaban obsoletos, debido a la nueva política de Drive... perdonarme por la tardanza, pero me fue imposible hacerlo hasta ahora
un saludo y muchas gracias que queráis descargar mis creaciones.
#LBD 25/10/21
EDIT: I have re-uploaded files that were obsolete, due to the new Drive policy... forgive me for the tardiness, but it was impossible for me to do so until now
a greeting and thank you very much that you want to download my creations.
#LBD 25/10/21
hola, como estáis? se acabaron las vacaciones de Verano y todo poco a poco vuelve a su rutina, son épocas de cambios y nuevos proyectos [...] esta nueva etapa del blog, la quiero inagurar con el nuevo logo y la nueva caratula que he creado, la verdad que estoy muy contento con el resultado, a vosotros que os parece?
También mostraros la colección de Moschino, que se titula Moschino Crew, es una colección cápsula, consta de 6 ítems entre vestidos, croptops, minifaldas, todas con varias versiones, el vestido beisbolero como el croptop, la mesh es de sentate
Hello, how are you? the summer holidays are over and everything slowly returns to his routine, are times of change and new projects [...] This new stage of the blog, it would inaugurate the new logo and the new cover that I created, the truth is that I am very happy with the result, you who you think?
Also show you the collection of Moschino, which is titled Moschino Crew, is a capsule collection, consists of 6 items between dresses, croptops, miniskirts, all with various versions, the dress baseball as the croptop, the mesh is by sentate

También mostraros la colección de Moschino, que se titula Moschino Crew, es una colección cápsula, consta de 6 ítems entre vestidos, croptops, minifaldas, todas con varias versiones, el vestido beisbolero como el croptop, la mesh es de sentate
Hello, how are you? the summer holidays are over and everything slowly returns to his routine, are times of change and new projects [...] This new stage of the blog, it would inaugurate the new logo and the new cover that I created, the truth is that I am very happy with the result, you who you think?
Also show you the collection of Moschino, which is titled Moschino Crew, is a capsule collection, consists of 6 items between dresses, croptops, miniskirts, all with various versions, the dress baseball as the croptop, the mesh is by sentate

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