domingo, 3 de enero de 2016

#HmBalmaination #LoveBalmain by jeancr874

Hola he vuelto a poner la descarga, ahora ya esta arreglado con los links correspondientes y los recolors agrupados, por ignorancia de como había que proceder a la hora de poner las descargas, habido toda esa polémica y controversia con el tema de las meshes ------------------------------------------- ------ Hello I have turned back to download, now already is arranged with the corresponding links and pooled ignorance recolors of how to proceed at the time put the downloads, there all this controversy and dispute with the subject of the meses

Hola feliz entrada de año!!!                                          
 Quiero empezar esta temporada, con este post,( he tardado bastante en acabarla, por eso no pude ponerla antes...)
 La colección de Balmain para H&M, diseñada por el gran Oliver Rousteing...
 Esta colección es para hombre y Mujer es bastante completa, perdí ya la cuenta de prendas que creé para este proyecto...
 También para sentir la atmosfera Balmain, he creado un desfile/sim con la música original de la presentación que tuvo, lugar en New York, decirme que os parece, a mi me ha encantado y me he divertido muchísimo montando y creando este proyecto....

Entry year happy Hello!                                          
 I want to start this season, with this post, (enough it took to finish it, so I could not put it before...)
 Balmain for H & M collection, designed by the great Oliver Rousteing...
 this collection is for man and woman is quite comprehensive, I lost because the count of articles that I created for this project,
 also to feel the atmosphere of Balmain, I've created a parade/sim with the original music of the presentation that took, place in New York, tell me what you think , to my I was delighted and I have fun a lot riding and creating this project...

Para conseguir el efecto de chaqueta cerrada de este outfit, he utilizado dos prendas, un jersey crop top (la mesh es de Sentate), con una chaqueta de pelo ( la mesh es de Marigold), los pantalones de terciopelo (la mesh es de Jennysims), las sandalias joya son de Madlen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To achieve the effect of closed jacket of this outfit, I've used two garments, a jersey crop top (the mesh is Sentate), with a jacket of hair (the mesh is Marigold), Velvet pants (the mesh is Jennysims), jewel sandals are Madlen

Mesh jacket marabú MARIGOLD
Mesh Pants Palazzo JENNISIMS 4
Mesh Jewel Sandals MADLEN
Mesh Croptop Sweeter SENSATE

la chaqueta de pelo,( la mesh es de Marigold), la falda lápiz, (la mesh es original del juego igual como el croptop), las sandalias joya son de Madlen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the hair, the mesh jacket is Marigold, pencil skirt, the mesh is original game as well as the croptop, jewel sandals are Madlen
el vestido la mesh es de Allaboutstyle, las botas las mesh es de Madlen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ the mesh dress is from Allaboutstyle, the mesh boots is Madlen

Mesh boots  MADLEN
En este Outfit para conseguir el efecto, falda abullonada, he combinado dos prendas, el jersey largo, la mesh es de Sentate, la microfalda la mesh es de marigold, como la chaqueta de pelo, las botas abiertas, la mesh es de Madlen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this Outfit to get the effect, puffed skirt, I've combined two garments, the long jersey, the mesh is sit down, the mesh microskirt is marigold, as hair, open boots jacket, the mesh is Madlen

Mesh sweeter long SENSATE
Mesh micro-mini MARIGOLD

el vestido la mesh es de Allaboutstyle, como el jumpsuit, la chaqueta corta de pelo , la mesh es de Marigold, las botas son de Madlen
the mesh dress is Allaboutstyle, like the jumpsuit, short hair jacket, the mesh is Marigold, the boots are Madlen

la camiseta, la mesh es original del juego, los pantalones, la mesh es de Jennysims, el vestido, la
mesh es de Sentate y las botas son de madlen

Mesh dress silk SENSATE
t-shirt, the mesh is original game, pants, the mesh is from Jennysims, the dress, the mesh is sentate and the boots are madlen

los abrigos,blazers, pantalones, chaquetas, cardigans y zatatos. Todas esas meses son originales del juego
coats, blazers, pants, jackets, cardigans, and zatatos. All these months are original game

las bikers y el jersey anudado a la cintura, la mesh es de Marigold
the bikers and the knotted shirt to the waist, the mesh is from Marigold

Mesh jackets Acc Bikers MARIGOLD

36 comentarios:

  1. Please stop sharing my mesh. Did you see my TOU? ...........

    1. Marigold, sorry but I'm not saying that the meshes are mine, just use your mesh to my recolor, would that be proud to use your meshes, very good you are creative and whenever I visit your website, very good ideas occur to me not is if you've given has, but end of the post I put the links of where I've used the meshes for my creations

      I when I see any creation of mine, which has been amended, fills me with pride show. my project has given a new focus to another person, and has created a new product

      sorry to bother you, but in the sims community, it is not sharing? If not we would like the SL community... that all they have to pay...

  2. Jeong marigold, excuse me tou does not come into this Considering EA hold the rights, plus I love these clothes for worse, I see you Do not have much on your site for worse, so stop complaining.

    1. Ea holds the rights to the game not MArigolds mesh. She created it and doesn't want her stuff used as per her terms of service and that should be respected. I am so tired of people stealing from creators and taking their work when they don't want their stuff used.

  3. Respuestas
    1. Coffey,thank you for defending me, I felt very supported by your words, and I'm glad that you like my projects and men's clothing I do, thanks again

  4. First, I'd like to say the clothes are cute and look really nice.

    Now to address what Marigold was asking, take her mesh out the upload. I am sure she enjoys the recolors but she along with other creators don't want their mesh included with the recolors. Download the mesh from her site. There are many reasons for that request, one is the ability for creators to make sure their meshes work right. Then they can fix them and release the new mesh and post it from their site. She's not being picky, she just wants respect for her TOU. Thank you for reading.

    1. ok, next time, I'll do as you say
      so there is no misunderstanding or anger

    2. No. Not 'next time'. Seriously. Take it down, Marigold is not happy and you are disrespecting her work, you broke her rules and you are not doing the right think.. Remove her meshes... You should be ashamed of yourself.

  5. All you have to do is update the file by Removing the mesh, give proper credit and a link to the original creator. It would take you about 10 minutes. Have some respect for the original creator and do the right thing. Not in the future but in this post also. It will show some integrity on your part at least. Just saying....

  6. Me moria de ganas de que alguien subiera la coleccion!
    y en cuanto a la discusion de los mesh... no se de que se quejan si no te estas llevando el merito de las mesh que usas... es peor encontarse tu trabajo por ahi y que ni siquiera mencionen de donde proviene... en fin...

    1. Gracias Spain Books, yo pienso igual que tu, la gente de verdad que complicada es, yo no me llevo ningún merito, como bien dices en todo momento digo de quien son y pongo un enlace de su blog

      tendría que sentirse contenta, que la gente utilice sus meshes
      es una gran creadora, yo soy muy fan de sus creaciones.
      nunca me he dicho que sean meshes creadas por mi mismo..

      estas situaciones me quitan las ganas de hacer cosas nuevas
      me alegro que te guste, un abrazo

    2. Exacto! si utilizaran mis meshes me alegraría! que para eso hacen estas cosas, para que la gente las utilice...

      Pero no te desanimes, y deja de lado las criticas, porque como blogger que tambien soy... eso es inevitable... siempre va a haber alguien que eche pestes

    3. Qué desilusión me he llevado al querer descargar tu colección maravillosa... y leer las razones por las que has eliminado el enlace a descarga... Siento muchísimo la polémica con lo de las mesh pero, no lo llego a entender cuando no omites al creador... Cientos de creaciones, recolors, etc, con mesh de otros pululan por la red y disfrutamos tod@s los simmers!! Tengo cosas de Marigold porque están muy chulas, no entiendo su enfado, la verdad... Si todo se reduce a que no contactaste con ella para decirle que querías usar sus meshs... (no sé si es eso, es mi suposición) pues ya te disculpaste, no?... Conclusión: no dejes de crear, tienes mucho arte y además, ya te sirve para futuras situaciones similares.

    4. Xabe guapa, gracias por tu comentario, si ha sido una semana muy rara, vaya comienzo de año..., en fin

      Yo no sabia que tenia que poner solo el recolor y poner un enlace a la mesh, por eso habido esa polémica con el tema de la mesh, bueno ahora ya se como hay que hacerlo

      Mañana domingo volveré a poner la descarga de Balmain
      un saludo

    5. ¡¡Cuánto me alegro de saber que mañana tendremos disponibles tus creaciones, gracias, Jean!! y ya sabes, siempre se aprende algo nuevo cada día, un fuerte abrazo!

  7. OK, have already withdrawn discharge the biker and the jacket of marabou in any moment, I said that I was the creator of these two items always have said, who was its author and even have post the link of your blog don't had that have arisen all this controversy, I find it bullshit but to not feed the theme delete the port meses
    Already with that stay happy?

  8. I really like the clothes you created and you didn't take credit for any mesh. The sims community is about sharing and some strict people seem to forget. Jeez!

    1. Wrong!! There are some creators that don't want their meshes or items used at all. Just because we create items for people to use doesn't mean we want our work shared on other sites. That's why people have terms of service and some people are ignoring that fact.

    2. Wrong again. Sims is just a game and people should really loosen up. He created and shared something beautiful so why so much hate. I create too and I love tho see my creations shared WITH the proper crediting, as he did. Moreover, a lot of sims clothing is just conversions of real life fashion. What if fashion designers reacted with so much drama?

  9. Sharing is sharing. But you have to give credit where it's due. Not merely name dropping but actually linking back to the site. I thought it was common courtesy between TS creators since the modding community started in TS1. Now she's on hiatus, us Simmers don't get our content and no-one else can recolour her newer stuff anymore. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. I thought the way you went about apologizing was so rude and passive aggressive. Don't cry "bullshit" because your non-apology is the real "bullshit"

  10. Are you happy with what you did ? Everyone is punished because of you ! It was hard to respect her rules? I hate people like you ! F.U !

  11. Pero por favor... he matado a alguien??, tan solo he recoloreado una mesh de esta creadora y he compartido para todo el mundo mis creaciones, siempre diciendo que la mesh es suya, nunca he dicho que fuera mia

    But please... I killed someone?, I have just recoloreado a mesh of this creative and I have shared for all my creations, always saying that the mesh is yours, I never said it was my

    nunca he hablado de malas maneras, no se si será por el traductor, que a veces traduce lo que quiere... yo no hablo inglés

    I have never spoken in bad ways, not is if it will be by the translator, which sometimes translates what you want... I do not speak English

    Pero no os precupeis, a partir de ahora las creaciones, me las voy a quedar para mi, no voy a poner ningún enlace de descarga

    But not you precupeis, now creations, I'm going to stay for me, not going to put any download link

    tan solo será un lookbook. lo siento por la gente que quiera los outfits

    It will only be a lookbook. Sorry for the people who want the outfits

    y lo pongo en los dos idiomas para que no haya malos entendidos

    and put it in both languages so that there is no bad misunderstandings

    1. Haters gonna hate! Only mean people can draw something out of all this drama. Have a nice day, and don't mind them.

  12. Why don't you reupload without Marigolds mesh so you can share at least something ? And tbh if was her, I would be happy helping other creators with treir cc

  13. Eu acho tudo isso uma palhaçada, essa gente não tem o que fazer, a maxis e a EA tinham que ficar com vergonha de criar a maioria das roupas ridículas, ela deveria te contratar para criar um pacote que fosse de luxo total, com todas as roupas de grifes famosas,bolsas, maquiagens, saltos ..., com direito a lojas personalizadas igualmente reais, podendo mesmo no the sims 4 poder ter direito de mais manequins,ter interação de ir no caixa comprar e receber o produto através de uma sacola personalizada de acordo com a grife, ia ser perfeito, amo demais o seu trabalho, sinto muita falta de suas lojas principalmente no the sims 4, por favor acabe a loja da Valentino rsrs quero esse lote pleaseeeee, ou você pode ver pessoas inteiressadas no seu trabalho que gostem dele mesmo como eu, e que você deixar tipo links e fazer tipo uma rede social, ou de fóruns com login e senhas que você autorizar somente para fãs de carteirinha como eu, assim ao resto que não gosta mas encho o saco dos outros por uma besteira dessa, chega ser ridículo não sei porque vive enchendo cuidando da vida dos outros mas vive aqui,e sem contar ainda baixa os conteúdos ..., rsrs esse povo é muito invejoso, por favor se você puder entrar em contato comigo, para também me mandar o arquivo super perfeito que você mesmo desenhou da nova coleção tudo haver da Balmain, porque meus sims ricos e famosos precisam dessa nova coleção da Balmain principalmente os adolescentes e jovens., Obribado e continue assim nesse seu trabalho perfeitoooooo, lindoooooo que amo demaisssssssssss !!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

    1. Reinado, pelo seu apoio, obrigado, fico feliz que você é um fã dos meus projetos... o Valentino armazenar, leva para fazê-lo, tenho que Pesquisar os arquivos e fazer mais meshes... Mas não se preocupe, quase terminei o Flagship Moschino, daqui a umas semanas que vou colocá-lo para fazer o download, amanhã domingo vou colocar o download de Balmain e seus sims podem agora Aproveite, uma saudação muito grande

  14. amazing creations! dont let anything let you down, this is beautiful, please put the download back!!

    1. Nuria thanks for your support, I'm glad you like my projects, tomorrow Sunday will again put the download

  15. my english is bad. I do not want to blame you. I just did not want re-color including in my mesh. I hope I can manage my mesh.(I Want to delete, share, modify it as my will.) If you want to re-color, You can re-color without including the mesh. I do not hate it. Many people are using it that way. maybe. I think you didn't know that way. I hope you understand me. cheer up!

    1. Thank you for answering, no, I did not know that he had to do it that way, I thought that putting a link to your blog and saying who was the mesh, was sufficient

      so I didn't understand why so cruel attacks of the people, and especially many anonymous, me so much that I wanted to blur cut root, in that deleted the download

      tomorrow I'll be back to discharge with links to the meshes used, would also like to thank all those people who encouraged me and gave me strength and desire to continue with my projects

  16. sorry. It's my fault. I saw your site in the tumblr. I thought short and angry. so I've re-blog. and then another person tackled me. she or he said(after re-blog) that My mesh is similar to mesh of The Sims 3 and she said I'd stolen. More angry I got here, I fought And I'm frustrated. I thought that all my efforts are broken. So I declared to stop making items. My friends saw it and I think that helped me. also the language barrier! I think it was a problem. Many people gave me comfort and I came back. and I had to re-think calmly. You might not have known that way.:'( so sorry. I'm glad you understand me. thank you so much!

    1. Hello marigold, you could get in touch with me, I wanted to show you a project, but you explain everything in the mail... If you want to write to this mail

  17. Hola!!
    Hay enlaces rotos en las mesh... =(
    Hay alguna alternativa?

  18. hola Spain Books
    he visto que son los de allabout style...
    déjame un mail y te mando un link de la descarga completa de la colección
    un saludo
